Repurposing the “S” Word … Take No S**t, Be A Tiger!

Unleashing your inner tiger means activating the part of you that does not remain silent, that has a voice, and that wants to roar! 

We like taboo topics. And we like to explore the recesses of humanity -- the jungles of our mind.

We use the tiger as a symbol in our art, with humor and boldness, to expose the funny, comedic things women go through that no one wants to talk about. 

Tigers are one of the most interesting of the big cats. Tigers are an endangered species -- constantly being commodified, hunted, poached, and held captive. Thanks to the hit documentary series, like Tiger King, on Netflix, people are learning more about these powerful big cats, the colorful characters and the weird conspiracies that surround them. But notice, there are no Tiger Queens in the media. 

Our work is about taking the stage as an endangered species -- females with power. Like endangered tigers, powerful women under the power dynamics of the patriarchy, are left feeling like we are stuck in cages begging for opportunities. In our outrageous artistic endeavors, we are combining theatre, film, poetry, fashion, street art, music, and storytelling to drastically challenge the power dynamics of the patriarchy. 

We believe in getting our s**t together. We believe in not taking s**t. We believe in all women awakening their animal instincts and embodying this inner force -- their inner tigers.

We want women to set themselves free -- free from the false narratives and free from the limitations of what we are constantly told what we are capable of. When we activate our inner tiger, we will awaken other women into a global movement to become Tigerlicious themselves. 

We invite you to join us on this quest. Get on the safari.